To promote NFL SUNDAY TICKET on DIRECTV—which delivers live, out-of-market games to football fans—we worked with Tribune Publishing to create several native editorial pieces for the Los Angeles Times.
The marquis piece below, "Town Without a Team", is a video exploring the fascinating history of the NFL in LA, the largest U.S. market with its own team. With daily stories about a possible return to LA, it's particularly timely, and helps us reach our target customers in a huge market without local games. We were pleased to work with some old friends from our Magnet Media days, Kristen Berke at Tribune and Matt Landfield & Sophia Betz, who produced the piece (and just launched their studio, TimeTravlr Creative). The piece incorporates headlines and images from the LA Times' archives in a unique visual style.
The marquis piece below, "Town Without a Team", is a video exploring the fascinating history of the NFL in LA, the largest U.S. market with its own team. With daily stories about a possible return to LA, it's particularly timely, and helps us reach our target customers in a huge market without local games. We were pleased to work with some old friends from our Magnet Media days, Kristen Berke at Tribune and Matt Landfield & Sophia Betz, who produced the piece (and just launched their studio, TimeTravlr Creative). The piece incorporates headlines and images from the LA Times' archives in a unique visual style.